
James River Capital

About James River Capital:

James River Capital is a Virginia-based financial and investment advisory firm founded by Kevin Brandt and Paul Saunders. It was formerly known as Futures Management Corp while operating as a department under Kidder, Peabody and Co. Inc. The two co-founders acquired the business as an independent entity in 1995 after Kidder’s acquisitions by Paine Webber, and they renamed it James River Capital. Today, James River Capital is certified by the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The Co-founder, Paul Saunders, serves as the Managing Principal since its establishment in January 1995.

The investment advisory firm has received tremendous growth since its inception. Thus, it has received numerous awards over the years, including the 2014 HFM US Hedge Fund Performance Awards, 2014 Invest Hedge Award, 2015 Global Fund Awards, and the 2015 Investors Choice Awards.

How businesses can remain outstanding during the pandemic:

According to Paul Saunders, CEO of James River Capital, there is a huge possibility of businesses to thrive amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul Saunders has vast knowledge and experience on how to succeed during a crisis. The pandemic has raised the challenges that businesses face during their daily operations. Paul urges business leaders not panic or fear as it will bring down their businesses. Leaders should come up with innovative ways of maximizing their returns at a few risks during the pandemic. In his reign in entrepreneurship, Paul has faced all sorts of challenges. James River Capital has adapted and thrived through many storms, and entrepreneurs may seek advice from him through his able leadership. Paul Saunders has numerous advice on how the business community may deal with the obstacles caused by the pandemic.

Business leaders need to be positive to overcome COVID-19 challenges. Leaders should develop crisis management strategies that will have multiple ways of solving the problems experiencing by their businesses. Team leaders should also compose themselves well as they handle the pandemic and avoid showing their teams how ideal they are. They should welcome new ideas from their teams since listening to juniors doesn’t mean you are weak or less in charge. Leaders have to remain influential to their groups to drive the business operations to the next level. COVID-19 is here to stay, and businesses need to keep on top of the game since closing the companies cannot be an option.

Business leaders need to communicate more to their teams to ease their anxiety and uncertainty. Currently, employees face severe health and wellbeing problems as some are not sure about their job security while others have lost their loved ones. According to Paul Saunders, every business leader must step up and talk to their teams to boost their morale without downplaying the reality on the ground. Just like how Saunders maintains close contacts with his employees, even those working remotely, leaders should regularly communicate with their teams through emails, phone calls, and video calls through platforms such as Zoom and Google meetings. Effective communication will help employees remain engaged hence increasing their productivity.

Taking safety precaution measures will also be of help in fighting the pandemic. Employers should disinfect working places regularly. They should also ensure that they provide their employees with masks and sanitizers. Leaders should take measures to ensure there is social distancing in the areas of work. Some of the employees may be allowed to work remotely.

Leaders should ease up and avoid stressing their teams when things go unplanned. They should create an emergency relief fund as employees are going through hard financial times. Employees also need to be supported emotionally through mental health counseling. As you give out instructions to the teams, be a role model to them first. Employees will always follow the examples you set by their leaders.

Last but not least, business leaders should create a sense of community in the place of work. They should maintain a work-life balance such that teams don’t get burnout. Being empathetic and mindful to employees makes them feel appreciated, and they will reciprocate by giving their level best.

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